Greetings all:
The delivery season is fast approaching but the farming season has never stopped here at the farm. I've been working since last October on getting ready for this season with seed orders, tool orders, networking, education and the nitty gritty, day-to-day, physical work of farming here in our beautiful hilltop location in Central Maine.

I wanted to take a few blog posts to introduce those who will be working with us on the farm this season. First, Brittany returns triumphantly this year in a new capacity. She'll be helping us out in the gardens this season and with harvesting but she'll also have her own garden at the farm. I can't wait to see what she produces and I know it will be amazing. Above, she's beginning to put our tomatoes into one of the hoop houses. We call this one the Quonset House.
There are certainly other people working with us on the farm but my camera data cord is not within reach so I'll post more on them later. Until then, meet some of the rest of the farm crew.

Here is Indy. I spoke about him in the last blog post. He's doing quite well and warming up to me quite nicely. I know it's because I bring the food and scratch his back but sometimes I think he might like the way I something good to eat. He tried to latch onto my knee the other day! This picture doesn't do him justice. He's a beautiful animal weighing in at about 250 lbs. right now. He'll get larger for sure but he's very active and working up some ground around one of our stone walls that's overgrown with honeysuckle (an invasive species by the way).

This photo tackles two birds with one stone. Ok, its actually one person, 30 birds and there aren't any stones but you get the idea. Lizzie is helping daddy feed the chickens in this picture. Yes, this was only about a week ago and yes it was cold enough for all that clothing.

Finally, here is a shot of my two favorite helpers (well, one helper and one future helper). Here is Lizzie and Martin at Martin's one month check-up the other day. He's doing well, gaining lots of weight and keeping mommy and daddy up at all hours. Just the way it should be! (Don't tell him I said that).
As always, everyone is encouraged to come out to the farm and look around, ask questions, etc. And if you ever want to work in the garden (as some CSA members do throughout the season) we love to have help from people who want an even more direct connection with their food.