Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rainy Days and Evenings

During this rainy day, I thought I would upload some photos of some of the drawings I have been working on over the course of the fall and winter. I have the exteme good fortune to be married to a wonderful woman who is amazing in so many ways, not the least of which is her photography skill. Em takes great photos in the garden all summer long. This has worked out nicely for many reasons but one of the best things is that it allows me to finally reconnect with drawing, something I've always loved but not had much time for in the summer, when my 'subjects' are ready and willing. So I've used Em's photographs to give me more time to 'capture the moment'. Here are some of the pieces I've been working on this winter.

Somerset Seedless Grapes

Giant Hornworm on a Tomato Limb

Carrots for Market

Cucumber Beetle

Colorodo Potato Beetle on Row Cover

New England Pie Pumpkin

Amongst the Dry Beans

Golden Beets

Frustrated Farmer



I can hardly wait to see what happens in the garden this year with an eye toward the cold nights next winter spent sitting by the fire sketching the history of the garden.