Good morning hens.

Good morning pullets.

Good morning turkeys.

After yesterday's harvest I was thinking 'I can't believe I used to harvest alone every week, and have earlier delivery times.' What was I thinking? As though I needed it, yesterday was a nice little reminder of how crucial it is to have good (or in the case of Brittany, excellent) help on the farm. I barely made it to deliveries by the skin of my teeth as the saying goes.
But enough about that. I can think of no better way to start this post officially than to show off a triumph. The rare and elusive perfect Brandywine Tomato. It's nearly impossible to get these to grow so well and produce blemish free fruit but here is one great specimen. And that means the heirloom tomatoes are in full swing.
But enough about that. I can think of no better way to start this post officially than to show off a triumph. The rare and elusive perfect Brandywine Tomato. It's nearly impossible to get these to grow so well and produce blemish free fruit but here is one great specimen. And that means the heirloom tomatoes are in full swing.

But what hybrids lack in flavor (and ours are actually pretty good if I do say so myself), they make up for in vigor. As you've probably noticed, your tomato bag is more and more full each week. Go tomatoes!
Speaking of hybrid vigor, as you might know from following our facebook page, I've been working in the greenhouse on the rainy days to lower the tomato plants. They were up to the top of the houses and showing signs of curling around the rafters. First step, strip all foliage off the bottom of the plant (I go up to my chest for starters). You can see the single stems and walkways full of leaf stems in this photo.

Next step, climb up the ladder and uncurl the sisal from the tomato hooks and lower the plants gently.

And curl them into a spiral, ever so delicately. As you can see, the stem turns into a spiral and rests on the ground. I hope I don't have to do this again before the frost but we'll see. If I do, that just means more tomatoes!!!

While I was working on this project I noticed this plant in the middle of the Quonset House. No leaves!

FYI, chickens like Giant Hornworms...

This week's beans are the first of the pole and more interesting bush beans. Golden Butterwax and Dragon's Lingerie. Yes you read that title right. One of the most interesting and fun times of year for me as a diversified farmer is seed catalog time. I love to sit down by the fire (seed catalog time is November - February) and read these like books, dreaming of summer and what I can accomplish in the coming season. I'm not sure which I like best, the pictures, the descriptions or the interesting and unique names breeders have given to their vegetable masterpieces over the years.
I'm very fortunate to have another amazing helper on the farm. Becky is a friend of the family and she comes up to weed for me each week. She's truly amazing at it! I call this year's dry bean, shell bean and Dragon's Lingerie bean field, beans a la Becky. Thank you Becky!!!

This is a great snap bean that is best cooked lightly. I like to simply saute them in olive oil or butter until just tender but so they still retain their color. Then just add a little salt and pepper and you've got a delicious side.
Gold of Bacau is my favotie pole bean thus far. I try new ones each year but I may stop and just go with this one. It's amazing. The flavor is beyond compare, the texture is elegant and they are huge!!!

This photo is just to show off the carrots in your share and also inform you that at this point in the season I don't include the tops. They have grown too bitter to be used for cooking and they are valuable additions to the compost pile here at the farm. Yey potassium!
Here's a shot to remind everyone of the insanity of the industrial 'food' system. This carrot would be discarded (read thrown in the trash because they don't compost in the industrial system). Why? It doesn't look right. That's it. Is it less carrot for that? Does it contain less nutrition? Nope. So I include things like this. In fact, you get three carrots in one!
We had some trouble with our summer squash this spring (mostly germination) so I'm having trouble meeting demand each week for the CSA. So until our second planting fruits I've started mixing in other types of summer squash. You received one of these types in your share. Let me know if you have questions about what something is.
I call this photo, 'Thanks to diversity'. Because we don't shun all biological processes on the farm and try to create a system devoid of fauna in our garden, the birds drop nice surprises for us in the fall. In this case, 'Love-lies-Bleeding Amaranth from last year showed up in the cucumbers. Thank you birds for giving me something beautiful to look at while I picked cucumbers.
Speaking of beautiful...
Also at the farm, we're getting ready for fall and winter by starting our seedlings. Here is some cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and pickling cucumbers at the edge if the herb garden.

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