Well, fall came in with a bang after yesterday's rain storm. Today is the first official day of fall. You know how I know? Because Brittany and I were both complaining about how cold our hands were this morning. It's usually the first day of fall when that happens despite what any calendar might say. And there was no gradual slide into fall. There is apparently a major frost warning for the entire state tonight. That means it's goodbye to some of the things we've been enjoying all season. Today's share has the last of the tomatoes for sure and will probably have the last of the cucumbers and summer squash as well. They've all been good to us and I can't complain since it's been a great season and a long one at that.

Also, there will definitely not be anymore basil if we get a heavy frost. Basil doesn't like cold and it despises frost...or perhaps the frost despises basil based on how the basil looks after a frost.

And I know frost isn't good for pole beans.

Well, enough of what we won't have for the rest of the season. Onto the great fall crops we do and will continue to have. Potatoes are in in a big way. We've started the big push on these wonderful tubers and you've received 4lbs today. A mix of White and Red again to keep it interesting. One member who stopped by to pick-up already mentioned chowder. Doesn't that sound awesome on this early cold day?

You'll also find Carrots and Kale among your heirloom and hybrid tomatoes, summer squash, basil and pole beans. Next week will bring more fall crops as we move into the winter squash realm! Enjoy and I'll see some of you at our picnic and farm tour tomorrow.
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