Friday, June 14, 2013

Long time no post!

Greetings!  It's hard to believe it's been so long since I was able to post to the farm blog but there it is.  Always a million things to do!  While I'm harvesting for market I figured I'd let the computer upload some photos from this morning, taken before sunrise.  Things are really bursting here at the farm as we approach the solstice.  
 Yesterday we received our newest batch of chicks.  7 Barred Rocks.
 The raspberry crop is looking like it has the potential to be mighty fine!
 Our grapes are also shaping up nicely.
 Last year I put in 8 high bush blueberry plants.  Looks like we might see some fruit this year (if I can keep the chickens out of them!
 I spent these last few rainy days in the hoop houses trying to mulch everything and solve the weed problem. Not to shabby.
 I'm very happy with this year's first Rouge D'Hiver Romaine offering.  Sizing up nicely and looking it's usual beautiful self.
 Scallions planted in between.  No wasted space!

 Peas, Romaine and beet greens all in the same bed.
 Thanks to Becky and Lydia the carrots are looking very, very weed free!

 Don't look now but under the row cover the zucchini is flowering.  Shhhhhh...
Sunflowers in the process of being mulched.  There are also peas just emerging in there but you can't see them yet.  I'll plant pole beans at the base of the sunflowers and they'll grow together.
This one flowered early.  So pretty I'll let him off the hook.
Our newest hoop house is all mulched and nearly trellised.  It's set-up in the style of the french market gardens.  Hopefully it will yield many a watermelon, muskmelon and some serious cucumbers!
The boys at breakfast time!  Get out of the way...