Friday, November 20, 2009

Holiday Harvest Thanksgiving Share

Happy Holidays! Thanksgiving is almost upon us and that means that our Holiday Harvest Shares are finally ready to be harvested, put together and delivered. I have spent the last week preparing the boxes and bags and filling them with the items from our root cellar. This all culminated today, which I spent, mostly in the rain (flashback to summer!) harvesting the plethora of fresh food from our gardens, greenhouse and low tunnels. Here is a shot of what our Holiday Harvest Share members will be receiving today.

This is the first season we have offered this Holiday Harvest option and I'm quite pleased with how the Thanksgiving version ended up. I'm very interested to know how our members feel after hosting their various holiday get-togethers. The share includes, in the front row: beets, carrots, turnips (both large storage type and small bunched, butternut squash, broccoli, decorative gourds, salad mix (baby spinach, baby Bull's Blood beet greens, baby Red Salad Bowl lettuce), spinach, apples from Mainely Apples in Dixmont (a family orchard run by some friends of ours), potatoes (white and red skin), baby onions, Long Pie pumpkin and buttercup squash. On the top row: leeks, large onions, freshly pressed cider (also from Mainely Apples), decorative white pumpkin, Elephant garlic, German Extra Hardy garlic, Brussels sprouts, and kale.

Here is everything bagged up and ready to go.

If you happened to get on of the pie pumpkins that isn't fully ripe you can hasten the process by keeping it in a warm, sunny spot. A south facing window is a wonderful place to ripen a pie pumpkin. Also remember that fruit ripens from the inside out. The color that we associate with ripe is simply natures way of telling us that the fruit is ready inside. So even if the pumpkin isn't fully orange by the time you are ready to use it, chances are it will still be ripe enough on the inside.

Enjoy and happy holiday.


  1. We had a salad using some of the spinach and apples for lunch, and a side of kale with dinner. Mmm! I'm so excited to have my fridge loaded up with green things again.

    My basement is a good temperature for cellaring, but it's pretty humid, so I'm reluctant to put the carrots, potatoes and onions down there. Any idea how long all those onions will keep in my fridge?

  2. I also had a salad from my parents Thanksgiving share while I was home for the holidays. Nice to have such fresh produce around!
