Friday, May 21, 2010

Two weeks to the first delivery.

A wonderful stretch of weather including that much needed rain we received the other day, has let loose a frenzy of activity in the garden. Things are growing like crazy and we're putting things in the ground as fast as we can! In just two weeks, our CSA members will be enjoying their first delivery of local, beyond organic, healthy, ultra-fresh produce from our gardens. Food that was grown in fertile, healthy soil, less than 50 miles from your kitchen and harvested the same morning you received it while the cold and dew drops are still clinging to the plants...The way life should be. Here is a shot of just a small portion of the gardens. The lettuce is coming in like a wonderful carpet of color and will be great in the first share.
I also uncovered the first transplants of broccoli yesterday. Brittany went through and cleaned the dandelions that had made a nice home under the row cover while it was protecting the tender young plants. Now it looks great and they are coming along nicely. Today we moved the hoops to the far bed that you can see in the background to cover some potatoes that should be sending up shoots any day now.
Jim and I finally finished trellising 11 rows of Sugar Snap Peas. These will reach well over 6 feet tall and give forth an awesome bounty of sweet, mouth-watering pea pods, perfect for late spring and early summer!

Here is another great example of my gardening philosophy, ever changing and expanding. Diversity is always best, the more the better. In this row you can see pod peas, freshly planted Lillian's Yellow Tomato transplants and chard transplants. Nature will put something on any square inch of ground that is exposed to the water and sun. Why not put something there yourself and make it a plant that can be harvested?

Finally, a nice shot of the garlic bed with the movable greenhouse in the back. It's open to allow for ventilation on an awesome day like today.

Fresh produce, two weeks and counting!

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